A Wee Dram… Tangle Ridge Canadian Whisky

Trying something different here.

Grad studies, kids’ activities, everyday responsibilities of teaching and school administration at this time of year – they all seem to be conspiring against my blog. It’s been damned near two months since I did a review and I’ve been trying to figure out a way to do a little better.

Enter A Wee Dram… I’m going to try writing brief entries for some those whiskies I get to try but can’t put through a full review process. After all, it’s not like the only time I enjoy a dram is when I sit down to carefully jot down tasting notes three separate times en route to a new review post. 

There might not be pictures, there won’t be a ton of depth to my comments,  but I hope it’s still worthwhile!

Tangle Ridge Canadian Whisky

Stopped out at my parent’s farm for a visit on World Whisky Day 2016 and, of course, Dad asked if I was up for a drop… Silly question! Ever the champion of Canadian whisky, especially those produced right here in Alberta, so I wasn’t the least bit surprised to see him produce Tangle Ridge from his cupboard. 

Not my pic; borrowed from http://www.thelonebiker.com
It had been a while since I last tasted this whisky. Much deeper copper colour than I expect from Canadian whisky – it says this is a 10 year old dram, but still! A little overly sweet, maybe, with loads of caramel and vanillins in this one… Extremely smooth exit!

Not quite my preferred profile these days, but Tangle Ridge is still a decent enough sipper on a cold, rainy day while shooting the shit with the Old Man! (I did accept a second glass. 😉)


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